I heard on Radio four this evening that a fusion machine in the USA has managed to produce more energy than was being put into it, for the first time suggesting there is a way to viable clean power....
Hatred is extremely strong dislike for, or intense hostillty towards other people.
Are those hated perceived as evil, or inferior, a threat of the cause of problems in the world today....
Having argued against deaf ears within the medical profession that my mini-stroke was brought about by the vaccine itself, it seems I may have at last some support for this. Does this strike any...
It’s official. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/boris-johnson-worst-prime-minister-ipsos-poll-b1022192.html?amp I post this because there are some sycophants on here who reasoned that because he...
On a recent holiday to central Australia, my wife pointed her phone camera towards the sky and took a photo. That photo captured detail that really surprised me. To make sure it was not just an...
I have 33,000 photos in one folder. I want to divide all of the photos into multiple folders. The problem is I can’t even access the folder; every-time I open the folder the computer starts...
I just feel that the increases are merely to help these companies to maintain their insulting, obscene profits and not to help with increased costs. I can't understand, don't understand, where Ofgem...
I had an email address for over 20 years. The ISP it was based on was onsold a couple of times but offered redirection of the address. Even when they stopped proving and I moved to another ISP I was...
Sorry but nobody needs to take drugs - no sympathy I am afraid. I grew up in the sixties and could easily have got drugs had I wanted to but I didn't feel the need. Now they are blaming it on...