This is very cheeky, but having never done it, i am keen to find out how many people have. The oldest profession in the world, they say, is the one with the red light(he says coyly). how...
I was just noticing the irony....the story is about a bunch of terrorist guys who try to get their way by drawing attention to themselves. Those then conveying the story (News programs, newspapers)...
Have just bought a car with a Cd player in and want to compile some CDs for listening whilst driving on my own. Any suggestions welcome,(apart from heavy metal or country). Ta
Why do the birds always poop on my windows yet everyone elses seems to be unaffected? Why after putting a huge load of clothes in the washer do you suddenly realise the little soap powder bubble...
This may sound daft but it is really getting me down, whenever i am out with my husband he constantly looks at other women. At this time of the year it is very tiring seeing him check out anything...
on this weeks top gear when Clarkson drove to Oslo, how did they film the car going at speed along the roads, motorways etc that were not inside the vehicle. there must have been a heck of a lot...
My heartfelt sympathy and support to all those affected by the bombings in London. I am so impressed with the calm manner in which the Londoners have managed this awful event. On behalf of...
Due to the bombings in London and being a confirmed terrorist attack pls could abers give me some serious son is due to go on a school trip Monday to Germany.He will be travelling by coach...
I know this sounds like a comedy ailment but my boyfriend suffers from the above. It is caused through chaffing, he has to douse the crack of his bum in talc throughout the day but this only gives...