I started watching this film on ITV last night, but fell asleep half an hour before the end. However, the film was so unbelieveably terrible, I honestly couldn't care less whether the "man animals"...
Im gonna make a few compilation cd's for an upcoming family party. Could everyone recommend a song or two each...songs that everyone will have heard and be able to dance/sing along to??? Please help...
I know this site is known for being anonymous but I would love to put a face to the name of who I'm chatting to. We've seen most of our pets so why not see each other. It doesn't matter what you look...
Having read the musical instruments thread below, I notice that many AB'ers like to play the air guitar. My question is which song makes you reach for your air guitar? For me it's 'One Vision' by...
Reforming for G8, including Roger Waters. I said in an earlier post that hell will freeze over before Roger would be up for a reunion. How wrong I was. Great news for British music, but can anyone...
Trillipse just got me started on a good idea. What do we all want to see the return of? I say SCRUMPIES, the bits you used to get off battered fish in the chip shop for free. Or can you still get...
As a little game...one of the people in this montage is yours truely. Can you correctly guess my identity? I'll give the % results at the end, and a prize of some special cake to the correct...
All I seem to hear in the news regarding school pupils is bullying / theft and the latest 'Happy Slapping' craze, all are linked to having mobiles in schools. I don't ever remember needing a mobile...
How do you feel about not being allowed to criticize a Religion ? I'm against Racism but not being allowed to criticise an idea ? In the immortal words of that lady on Lenny Henry's Show, 'I don't...
Anyone remember this one off drama about a group of skinheads? Made in early 80's I think. If I remember rightly they all seemed to be holed up underground for some reason (during a riot?). Anyone...