Not long to wait for resumption of play, given that Perth's two and a half hours behind Adelaide. remains to be seen which team comes out swinging this morning, I believe it'll be another hottie there...
Good Morning fellow linkers. Lady Eleanor here. Welcome to the second round of my challenge. I’m sorry that the scoring was so low last week but hopefully this week will be better. Thanks to...
Good morning everyone - another month flying by, all the festivities will soon be upon us and then the new year, this year has passed so quickly I almost can't believe it ! Very colourful and aromatic...
Good morning everyone - grey and wet here today, however 'hostilities' have resumed at the Adelaide Oval, I'll say no more. a sprinkling of points, not as many as we'd like, but all the matches were...
We started the final month of the year with 'Lady Eleanor' (aka elliemay1) as the new setter. She challenged you with some seasonal icons but did you select the correct connections? This week's game...
3 down. Clue: Latrine hard work? Nothing in it with say, Ajax (9). I have: L?O?H???T. 15 down. Clue: Defeat appeared to restrict Old Testament study (5,4) I have: S???T ?L?N. 21 down. Clue: Standard...
Can anyone help me with a problem I am experiencing with the AB for the last couple of weeks. I am in and out of the AB a good bit on weekend days posing and answering questions. This morning was no...
Good Morning, Lady Eleanor, aka elliemay1, here. I was thrilled to be asked by Gen2 to post the links for December as I am a great fan of this site. The only drawback is that I can’t compete as a...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here for the second test, I'm saying no more than that. The Christmas cheer has inundated us, in spite of it being still some weeks away... Why does it seem...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here without being ridiculous, nice early start for me with Herculis online well before the witching hour and while there wasn't the cascade of points to...
Good Morning, Princess Di calling you all. We have now come to the final week of my challenges. December and the forthcoming winter are beckoning. Most of us are facing great hikes in our electricity...
Well I can be hopeful, can't I ?? At the moment the gremlins are still inhabiting the online site and the maintenance link are giving us the puzzles for the 25/11 - not a lot of help. So the game is...
Last one and I just can't get it.2d Small family, sundry pearl-hunters, say. S?I?/D?V?R? (I presume the second word is divers). Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I'm stuck on two answers: 29 down: Plaintive pre-Liberal politician finally elected as constituent (7) WHIN_NG 38 down: Run out: this enables Vettori to drive (the first two letters 'KE' are ignored...
'Princess Di' (aka grannydi) set you a challenge that looked on the surface to be fairly easy but once again, the sheer number of possibilities has kept the scores down. The links that you were...
Good Morning, Princess Di greeting you all for the penultimate time this month. November is fast disappearing and soon Christmas will be beckoning. I have managed to get birthday/Christmas lists from...