Any help welcomed 1 During exam, consumed food, leaving nothing for anyone else? 9 I - - - - - A - - 1 Beastly type concealing snare for darker type 8 B - - - N - - - - 3 Learned education leader's...
Here’s a poser which I would be interested to see how people answer.A game show consists of a star prize (e.g. a car) behind one of three closed doors, and booby prizes behind the other two....
I'm really stuck on last clue. It will be so obvious, I know, but I need to put this one to bed so I may follow suit! 51d Scary film featuring rabbits (4) ?a?s Many thanks
1. A king promises to give his daughter's hand in marriage to the winner of a horse race. Problem is, the winner has to be the LAST horse to cross the finishing line. What can the competitors do? No...
which of the gospels has the most quotations from the old testament which old testament book is quoted most often in the new testament who trusted god so much he was willing to sacrifice his only son...
1/to whom did god say "cursed is the ground because of you" 2/ who was the father of ephraim and manasseh 3/which prophet wore ox yoke to show the people they would be slaves 4/ which prophet wrote...
Does it matter if u use a 2nd class stamp for comps? I have always used 2nd but never win, I recently read a mag article where the person who states she wins a lot said always post your entry 1st...
Last one but what a great crossword, moments of anguish, moments of sheer pleasure and hours of torture. Puts the telegraph (all over in 3 minutes!) to shame! 6d Time to see rising star (4) _ E _ A...