Just one left which has me hesitating as it seems too straightforwad for a TLS cryptic clue. What word play am I missing? 11a. Possibly Bilbo, essentially lacking in height (6). ?O?B?T. Can it... ...
Last one: stumped so need help please. 24a Kate Atkinson's four central characters getting cast iron implement (5,5) I have all the down letters to make 'steak knife' which I suppose can be an iron... ...
Last one and I'd be grateful for confirmation. 18a. More like Eliot's banker's fine defeat? That's right (8). FLASHIER: F(ine) LASH (defeat) IE (That is) R(ight), and reference to Bulstrode in... ...
I've been stuck since last night on SW corner and could do with a kick start, like this: 16d Earl cured, i.e. treated with hallucinogen - that's a generally accepted opinion (4.5). If correct: I?F?... ...
Strode easily through this but fell, as ever, at the last hurdle. 22d. JL Carr's heroine destroyed the toys intermittently (5). What obvious thing have I missed this time?
Last one (as ever). 21d. Lines omitting any English, after European drama (5). I assume EQUUS and can see bits of a parse but not all. Am I at least on the right ... lines? If so, would be... ...
Stuck on last one, 7d, American city I identify as mostly profane (6). Probably staring me in the face but just can't see it. Unless I'm wrong somewhere, L?I?A?
Last one. 7a. Following a common character pairing in Falstaff and Mistress Quickly (4). FAST? But if correct, no sign of a light bulb over my head as to why.
One left stumping me. 9a. Portraitist, Old Englsh, seen in torn shroud by front of tomb (9). When I first scanned this, I thought maybe anag. OE SHROUD T which does give HERODITUS but he wasn't a... ...
Completed but left with one I can't parse. 6d Swift output? It gets less swift, maybe (7). SATIRES but why SA? What am I missing that's probably staring me in the face?
Would much appreciate confirmation or otherwise of my last two. 25a Like Zeus or the TLS's parent? (10) So THUNDEROUS but where does the TLS fit in? 19d. One thinking one is a painter (7) I suppose... ...
7d. Something slippery in Upton Sinclair novel hit hard (7). O?L?A?K. OILTANK parses but I can't find any confimation that it can be one word. Am I on the wrong track?