Just recently our laptop has decided to play up. We always keep it charging while we use it as it doesn't keep it's charge for very long. The other night we took it upstairs to go on in bed and...
Hi A friend of mine is starting up a business as a wedding photographer. She has already done a few weddings. She asked me recently if I could think of some quirky names for the three wedding packages...
Hi I think I may have a problem with my brake pads and discs in my rover. When I put my foot down to brake it makes a strange sound (not a screeching sound though) The only way I can describe is like...
A friend of mine had an idea to buy a product in bulk from a legitimate warehouse retailer (website) for a cheaper price than normal and then sell online to try and make money. How does the tax work...
A significant amount of water enough to cause a puddle was spilt and left covering most of the join in the laminate worktop in our kitchen! We seem to think it was left there for about an hour. once...
When insuring your phone with Natwest, (and I'm sure most other insurance companies) I've noticed it says you have to provide proof of purchase inorder to insure. What happens if the phone was given...
We want our driveway doing properly with gravel. Does anybody have any ideas of how much it would cost to do it ourselves, and also how much it would cost to get a professional to do it? I realise...
Hi My mum who is 65 recently had a hip arthroscopy to try and correct the problems she was having in her hip. This was done approx 8 months ago and Unfortunately,she says it is still very painful if...
Hi My Fiancee and I are getting married next year and would really like to do safari in somewhere like kenya, Tanzania etc for our honeymoon. Safari for first week and then relax for the second week....
Hi My partner and I are getting married soon and she wants to join all finances together ie. income, debts etc. Right now we have a joint account and our seperate accounts. All her family had joined...
I am receiving texts from a company thats charging me £1.50 evry text they send. I dont now how they have my number and have never signed up for anything. It does give you the option to text...
i'm looking to sell my old used books for cash. I stumbled upon a website called 'Fatbrain' Has anybody else heard of this website and know whether its safe to use?
I have recently checked my phone bill and noticed a couple of £1.50 text message charges which I thought was strange as I make a rule as to never go over my allowance. And I'm very careful as to...
Recently I have noticed that the front offside indicator light has stopped working on my car. It ticks really fast inside the car, and although the back offside light works it flashes more quickly...
Who do you think will win these games? Spain u21 v England u21 Czeck Rep u21 v Ukraine u21 EC Bahia BA v Athletico MG ( Brazilian Campeonato) Lanus v Argentinos Juniors (Argentinian Premira Division)...
Didn't really now where else to put this On 29th March 2011 I won two tickets to see take that for Manchester on Fri 3rd June. Because the item was for a large amount of money I wanted to make sure I...
We are having trouble chipping up the floor tiles in the kitchen. Little chips are coming away instead of the whole tile coming up which would take forever to lift up. We thought we could overcome the...
We're having a new kitchen installed at the moment by a family member. Unfortunately we have noticed a few scratches on the brown butchers block work top already. (Nothing major, but noticeable) Is...
Hi Whats the best value for money burglar alarm system for a house? Also is it the type of product where you get what you pay for, as I cant really afford to splash out on the very best, just want an...