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Last one, 43d, Do food about right: r?r?e?. Thanks for any help, and a Merry Christmas to you all.
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Just 4 left, absolutely no idea, any help appreciated. 41a, Description of virgin's belt:?o?i?c??. 49a, Tough making tracks to Caribbean: ?i?y. 21d, people abandoned meeting in receding light: ?g?a?e....
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Just one left, 12a Leap to the stars? There must be limits!: ?o?n?a?i?s Can't find anything at all!
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The answers are all items of confectionary. Singing insect - is there a sweet or biscuit called a Cricket? Star constellation - Galaxy or Milky Way? Grain sweet- i can only think of popcorn, has...
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Before I could go back so far and then got a blank screen. Now I get up to page11 or 12 and find myself back at page 1. Does anyone know what's going on?
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Stuck on 27a, Albert possibly wants political party put in order: L?N?O?T. The only thing I can find is Line-out, but I can't see why that would be right. Also a bit stuck on bottom l.h. corner, could...
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Stuck on the last one again, 16d. Marathon pro: Duke or Earl ?o?g?o?d. Something lord? Grateful as always for your help.
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Struggling with 13a, Russian girl's name equicalent to Justina: u?t?n?a, all help appreciated.
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1 to do, can't get anywhere! 8a A disease caused by deficiency of nicotinic acid: p?m?a?r? Grateful for any assistance.
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Just 19a and d to do, having problems! 19d Island a monster set up as a republic ??o?t?a. I wondered about Croatia - orc could be the monster, but that's as far as I get. If it is Croatia, 19a...
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5d. Setter's set point - credit when object's discreditable: i?p?t? Is it impute? It's the last one and I just can't work it out.
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I would be grateful if someone who did this puzzle can explain what the answers have to do with cloth hats (as mentioned in the preamble). Obviously I'm missing something here.
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Struggling with 16a. Where bees are kept: a?i?r??? I thought it was apiary,, but obviously that doesn't fit; I can find words that do fit the lights, but they're not where the bees are kept - unless...
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I've ground to a halt, can someone give me a push please! 13a. Infantile, sh*t bank robber is $1000 down without a robbery: b?g ?o??. And 9a. Uranium applied to member? Member's revolting!: ?? ?? ?r??...
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Last one - 7a. You surprisingly seize power internally: ?s?r?. Usury? It's sort of in the clue, but I'm not convinced.
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Assuming I'm right with 8a (Personal ad placerclaims to have this golly with its stuffing switched) being gsoh, is the answer to 22/9d (Nothing would make Straw change position? F-off!) jack sh*t....
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Last one, 6d. A weft yarn of two or more twisted strands of silk: t?a?. I found one meaning of Trap that related to fibres, but it didn't fit this clue.
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17a. The historic galleried inn in Southwark features in Little Dorrit: ?e?r?e. I've tried googling Little Dorrit and Southwark inn, but only found two references to Southwark with nothing about an...
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Kettledrum - I don't understand the reasoning behind your answer.
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My question seems to have vanished into cyberspace again! Help please, stuck on the last one. 11a. City investment: s?e?e

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