Movie-set boss right off big boobs (6) _A_F_S Has to be GAFFES. But the wordplay is GAFFER (movie-set head electrician) with R removed - this leads to GAFFE. So where does the S come from? Shouldn't...
Enter online at The answer is NICETY. Good Luck. X Or you can send your name, address and phone no. and the answer,on a postcard to, Arrowwords Competitions no...
When applying for Council Tax Support you have to provide details of savings. Would your bank be allowed to release details of your account if the council contacted them, or is your account protected...
My dial-up connection keeps dropping out after only 5 or 10 minutes - never done this before and it's driving me mad. Anyone out there recommend an 0845 number I can use to make a new connection??...
Further to my previous threads about our crows, when we look out of back door first thing in morning they (I presume it is they), are leaving loads of moss on our doormat... I have seen them pecking...
does anybody apart from my family find "james" barton dammed annoying with his over acting facial expressions his stupid side to side swagger (have you seen him walking another way) he's the most...
I think the ones that i hear time and time again and mean diddley squat because they rarely ever do are: "Lessons will be learned" and "We have tightened procedures so this will never happen again" I...
2d, I??????, Persuaded elected leader to meet democrat.
9a, ??????r?a, A set back for top staff at university, wanting new technology installed in lecture theatres....
Dear AB Compers, What is your view on phone-in or text competitions? I never do the former, rarely do the latter, because of the cost of doing so. If there is a comp (and I'm looking at the moment at...