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This is driving me nuts. Anyon who has been to say Spain or France, Knows that Walkers crisps over there are "Lays" and that wall's ice cream is known as..........Help, I just can't remember the name!
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anyone got any good advice for getting a decent nights sleep in this weather - not that i am complaining !
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we are going for a long weekend on a fairly quiet site in portmadog, along with 2 fourteen year old boys. anyone got any ideas of places to take them in or around that area, just in case the weather...
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Looking for something which is not too rowdy (but with good pubs ) and plenty to do ? thanks
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Does anyone know which fitting of headphones Monarch use - are they the 1 prong or 2 prongs? Thanks
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Anyone out there got controlled hypertension and managed to get a sensible quote for travel insurance, preferably an annual policy?
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want to buy home steam press with a stand.anyone got one of these? what do you think of it?
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I have a fox and 3 cubs regularly playing in the garden, very pretty and all that, but very destructive to flower beds. I tried pepper dust, but it is expensive (?4-50) and not particularly effective....
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Does anyone know what to feed the birds that the squirrels don't like?We bought my Mum a lovely bird table for her garden. They back onto a park though full of squirrels and she can't feed the birds...
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Fish the Mod
which disciple to the right of Jesus is said to be Mary Madeline in the last supper painting Am I the only one who thinks the film is really good
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I'm due to have a minor op next week under general anaesthetic. One of the questions they asked at my pre-op assessment was whether I'd had a cold in the last 2 weeks. Well I hadn't then but typically...
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Some b*****d shot a crow off my roof this morning. Heard a shot and this crow flew/fluttered down and then promptly keeled over in next doors climbing rose bush, blood dripping down the foliage....
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Hi all - after way too much of the old vino lastnite I now feel like ive got a little man with a machine gun in my head,my stomach is doing a washing machine impression and my mouth feels like the...
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I am totally perplexed. Every day for four days now I have found 2 maggots in my dogs' water bowl. I clean the bowl and give them fresh water twice a day. There is no sign of maggots in their food,...
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For the past 7 months I have had an evil pain in my foot, which is worse when I get up n the morning, and also when I have rested it, and stand again. Walking any distance is particularly painful, as...
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Can anyone suggest anyway that I can stop the foxes digging up my garden. No matter how many times I fill the holes with stones and put amonia down they dig it up again. I also make sure there is no...
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where is the best off shore snokeling spot in the Caribbean?
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roughly how many bannanas do you get in like, a bannana crop? not the whole field obviously, but from one tree. they come in huge bunches dont they?
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Does anyone else get annoyed by little traits of their work colleagues?, When I'm at work out the corner of my eye all I can see is the bloke I work with shaking his leg under his desk, and I mean...
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My wife had the misfortune to walk into a Matalan (Shop??) the other day and, having queued for ten minutes, was told that she couldn't buy the irem unless she had a "Matalan Card"...

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