My iPad 2 will no longer remember passwords. It was fine until about half hour ago but now I have to log in every time I go to a site. I can't correct it. Has anyone else had this this problem and how...
My daughter suffered labral hip tears in both hips about nine months ago. She has been having physio for quite awhile but hasn't really had much improvement. Other than surgery what are her options....
Im sitting at home alone. Power has gone off but the inverter is running but no power to the electric fence and my dog is going nuts barking and growling and wanting to get out. Do I get my pop gun...
This morning I rescued a baby bird from my cat. It seems quite ok I put it in a cage and out under a tree to see if its parents came but so far nothing. I have started feeding it worms and pronutro...
Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant. I developed a small tummy but it didn't get big. After sometime I went for a check up and was told the baby was dead. Does anyone know the significance of this...
Well an packing my bags and shortly heading to the airport to go back to Zim. I have spent the weekend on my own in Jhb. My hubby and I were supposed to come down together then on Friday morning he...
A relative died recently and in his will he left a certain house to his sister. The balance of his estate which comprised of a house, small holding, vehicles and other equipment he left to his...
I was at lunch yesterday with a group of married friends and one lone bachelor. I asked him if he felt left out and would also like to be married. He replied that having been married and divorced...
Rhino products, tiger products and bear bile plus other animal products are openly on sale in China and other eastern countries. Surely there is no place for this in our world today.
Corny but fun These are very corny but may cause you to smile! 1. Two blondes walk into a building'd think at least one of them would have seen it. 2. Phone answering machine message -...
I have tweaked something I my arm. It is where the arm goes into the shoulder. Seems to a small muscle there. I am in such pain I really can't believe it. I am taking ibuprofen 2x400mg. Every 4 hours...
Do any abers live next to or in the vicinity of a church that rings its bells before services. I am visiting my daughter at the moment and the church along the road from her starts ringings it's bells...