I was about to purchase a pair of Ghd straightners, when I began to read on the web that the brand new Creative Kodo straightners outperform any other and are said to be the best on the market. Anyone...
Any one know who sang this tune? Its quite recent and i think i heard it off a film....................... might not be the exact words but i think they are close!
Hiya, im a tiny 5'2, i'mm quite happy with my body except i have love handles n curves that i dont want, i used to have a great figure n was full of confidence, im losing all that now cos guys always...
It was a joke, my friend put it in cos im a huge rangers fan, didnt mean to offend anyone, plus i dont really read papers so i didnt know anything about that
How do you sing this hymn? is it 'There is a green hill fa-ar away...
or is it
'There is a green hill far a-away....'
We can never agree at home, so, whatever you say, will be final.
Does anyone know what song this line is from? I heard it on Kerrang radio and these are all the lyrics I remember. I can't find out what it is by searching on the internet. As far as i can remember he...