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Lie-in King
Good evening everyone - me again, in Mamya's absence... I'm relying on the stalwarts to keep the thread going, I'm rubbish at thinking of songs......
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What would be your favourite six of all the world's wildlife of land, sea & air that you either love, admire, are fascinated by, or scare you - in order? - include mammals, birds, fish & insects....
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Lie-in King
Good evening all... More to follow......
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I was just wondering if I should dress like I would as if I was going for interview as I'm going to look around the hospital tomorrow they asked when I emailed them working hours about a job going...
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Yes I would , I’d put my money where my mouth is Would you?...
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How can I get rid of Houttuynia cordata in my garden? I have only recently identified this plant which is beautiful but extremely invasive and is taking over a border. Any advice appreciated.
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This ghastly woman who buried her dog alive appealed against her sentence (from a magistrate's court) which included an 18-month ban from keeping animals. The appeal judge (in the Crown Court ) agreed...
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I'm all for sanctions against Russia, but is this going too far?
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People have always named their children after expensive things - Mercedes, Dior, Chardonny etc. Next year watch out for electricity, gas and petrol. Did you know that on the Canary Islands there is...
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Author's names appearing (sort of) in titles of films, plays, books, etc. Here's a few for starters; Swift Family Robinson Orwell That Ends Well Austen Translation...
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She's just been talking about Putin's forces that bombed a maternity hospital and obviously condemned it even though it did not actually bomb it , seems it was aimed at a military building nearby but...
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In a recent photograph the queen looked well but a bit older. She cannot live for ever and in five to ten years she will not be here. I am ready to see the accession to King Charles, are you ready for...
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Well if things had gone differently in 2019, we could have had Agent Cob running the country! A confirmed Russian agent! PMSL! Well that's when he wasn't attending Terrorists Funerals for a jolly up...
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No more engagements for a few weeks to allow her immune system to consolidate, and give her some well-earned relaxation. R&R as it's known in military circles. Because she's worth it....
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who is having pancakes tomorrow for shrove tuesday?. what are you all having on them. sugar and lemmon for me. the best!...
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a very strange man indeed and a lawyer to boot, i cannot get my hear around going into stores and injecting his own blood into products, not like its blackmail for cash, guy must be well off...
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I can never remember the UK being hit by so many ,can you? This one once again will hit the R.O.I Wales and the West Country , as if they haven't suffered enough , take care and stay safe you people...
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milk, milk lemonade around the corner chocolate's made are there any more very childish rhymes you can remember ?...
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Just heard on the news she is suffering mild symptoms...
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It appears that most religions appear to be making money than giving the spiritual guidance. Hae you noticed how their leaders get large salaries and live in luxury? This would appear to be especially...

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