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tiggerblue10 ;o)...
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Maisie Doats
Help please with the last 4. 1. Who said this - “A stitch in time would have confused Einstein” ? 2. TV Channels - Who featured in “Wakey, Wakey” ? (not Billy Cotton) 3. In which city on Earth do...
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"... The canal is a major source of income for Egypt, which controls the waterway and collects an average of $700,000 per ship in tolls. The Suez Canal Authority says nearly 19,000 ships a year pass...
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I've turned my back garden into a bird-friendly site, and above it there is a telephone wire to adjacent houses. It interests me to watch birds perch on the wire to suss out the garden before...
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What a wonderful Mother cat!
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Do people have a user name on Facebook or do you use your real name, is that part of being on Facebook, so people know who you are and can contact you? I have no idea how it works but we’ve just been...
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Don't forget to tune in tonight to watch Boris address the Nation from his new , £2.6 million vanity studio , no doubt sitting on his £145,00 sofa all supplied and payed for by the Tax Payer of...
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I have a vague memory of Biblical quotes wherein Jehovah exhorts his chosen people to smite the Midianites and to destroy them and their cattle and their children and to spare only the women who...
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....But at my back I always hear Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found; Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My...
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I'm trying to compile a quiz on 'names of days', every year in the UK certain days have names i.e. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, August Bank Holiday etc etc, can anyone add...
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It looks like we might be getting real competition in Formula One this season. Let's hope Max and Lewis provide some entertaining racing.
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can i just lift the carpet and there you go? (aside from lookswise) or are there things you need to do to it? Or at least things i should have ready to do before i lift the carpet? i just dont want to...
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Don't bother
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Why? Today our boy (neutered) was around a *** on heat. He literally "tried" non stop! entire day! Ran himself ragged! Why? I mean his testes have been removed so surely there's no hormone left to...
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After years of putting up with that stupid rearview mirror, in my car obstructing my view, I finally plucked up the courage and ripped the darn thing out. Since that day, I haven't looked back....
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I found that a name of the wicked rots from God’s memory, but the good name of the obedient, God remembers, either to preserve them through Armageddon if they are living then or resurrect them to life...
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Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married. One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other, the groom broom. The...
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During a pandemic is it right to risk partially untried drugs. Some South African doctors believe that Ivermectin is a treatment for Covid-19 (with anecdotal evidence to support their case...

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