Yesterday I received an email purportedly from to say that my car had not been taxed and I was going to be reported. There was an official looking number heading the email and the ...
I have had an email this morning on my yahoo account saying I will lose it if I don't update it or give my information. Looks suspicious to me. Is it a scam? I know on this site, you are in the... ...
Just watched the last episode after recording it, and it cut off before the end! So annoying! Please will anyone let me know what the ending was? I saw up until Hana was sitting on the sofa... ...
After batting away all those normal irritating calls, I had one this afternoon with a recorded message saying that my online account had been used for illegal purposes! I clicked off at that... ...
I bought a new laptop from Curry's. They said I would need a McAfee card to download. Cost£79. When I took the laptop home, it said I already had 30 days cover which could be renewed. I tried... ...
I am stumped by a clue on Blankout on Saturday's Daily Mail. The clue is 4 across - Lustrous, 6 letters. 2nd and 4th letters are O and D. They are correct and fit in with other clues across. i... ...
I have had an email from a Michael Langley-Smith asking me to email him back if I received it. I’ve never heard of him! I trashed it. Now I have received another one! Have any of you had anything like...
Has died. She was 83. The sound of my youth. I saw her and Ike at Finsbury Park Astoria when they were on the Beatles Tour. Roy Orbison was on the bill too! I was 15/16. She was such a survivor. RIP....
She is the same age as me. I thought she was so cool when I was a teenager! Thin, same hairstyle, dolly rocker dresses. Age is a terrible thing! Extra weight, wrinkles! Anyone know a good plastic...
I am stuck with this week’s Codeword. The letter given is X. It is a 7 letter word, X is the third letter followed by 2 double letters. Can’t think of one or find it in the dictionary. I am sure it is...