I have now had three phone calls from 07516 466706 saying I have an SMS message. First time, I pushed to play it, there was a recorded message starting about WhatsApp, so I clicked off. Did not listen...
Just had a telephone call from 0191 5295183. OH answered it and said it was a recorded message saying our IP address had been compromised. He then rang off. I had a similar call a few weeks ago from...
I have had an email supposedly from yahoo. The heading just says Mail. It says I have tried to shut down my yahoo email account and if I don’t click on the activation button then all my data will be...
Went to order a patio set from M&S online this morning, but two Mastercards would not go through, the lady said it was odd as they were not declined. Used my debit card and that was fine. Seconds...
Usually go to Spain where we get more euros for your pounds than here. In March we got €1.13 to the pound whereas it was €1.08 in England. We normally take some euros then change the rest whilst...
Since Windows 10 I have had problems with my Canon MG4150 printer. It kept saying it was not connected or recognised, but still printed after a few seconds. I had a new router installed by Virgin last...
Just put our old car in part exchange for a new one under the scrap page scheme. We have now received a letter and form to fill in by Experian about the mileage etc of our old car. Surely this is...
I think it was on Newsnight last night, their correspondent kept on talking when he clearly stated that the rescuers hands had gone up to indicate silence so they could hear people trapped. He...
Stuck on right hand side! 10d Mr Roget broke, getting older, borrowing again. Is it an anagram? Can't see it. 12a Source of heavy weapon and what it inflicts. 16a Some agree never to back false front....
I've got two stick insects in my porch. One has died, but the other one moves around. He can get out and was on the front window earlier this week. I don't know whether to. I've him/her onto a bush in...
Got a problem with E down - clue is fragrant which I think is aromatic and it fits with 4 other clues, but 17 across- clue is melting snowflakes which surely is slush, but the 't' from aromatic is...
My iPhone 5s keeps going straight to voicemail without ringing or vibrating. I guess I must have pushed something in settings, but I don't know what to do. I am sure some of you out there can help....
Yesterday, I noticed that the ice cubes had defrosted in my Beko fridge freezer. Then I saw that one side of the second drawer in the freezer is working, but not the other. The top shelf is not...
I've had an email from Yahoo saying they received a request to delete my Yahoo account and it will be actioned in 3 days if I don't click on a link. Is this a scam or phishing email?
I don't understand how the Land Tax only hits the rich south east. If you are in private rented property, the land lord pays. What will landlords do? Pass it on to their tenants! In the case of rented...