if an employee was to go on maternity leave and her employer wished to access her medical records would the data protection act protect them from doing so?
I was not sure where to post this question. My question is about donations to charity, and do you think I am being a tightwad. I am your typical Mr average, I work very hard, I have a wife and 2...
i have recently started to hear gnawing sounds coming from behind my plasterboard and, I suppose, in between my external walls. Is it possible to have mice or some type of rodent in there and how...
My gorgeous lion head rabbit has been free in the garden for months. He is very sociable and loves to be with the children whilst they are playing. I don't know whether i can leave him out all winter...
Doesa anyone know what problems you would encounter in designing an experiment to compare individual and group therapy for children with phonological disorders?
How do you work the petrol pump so that you can have it filling the tank without you needing to hold the trigger down all the time? I've heard it can be done. I've also seen the clip on the trigger...
We all know that police and military helicopters are fitted with heat detection equipment, which helps to find people who may be trying to hide in undergrowth and wooded areas. The armed forces and...
How do you work the petrol pump so that you can leave it filling the tank without you needing to hold the trigger all the time? I've seen the clip on the trigger but can't figure out how to work it....
We are growing spring onions in the garden but does anyone know if they will grow into large onions if I don't pull them up and leave them in longer? Thanks
We have recently put a fence up and our neighbour did not want to pay anything towards the cost which was fine with us. But he wanted us to remove his old fencing which we said no because it would add...
I hope someone can help me please with this frustrating problem! I bought a BT Voyager 2091 wireless router and installed it following the instructions. I also bought a 802.11g USB wireless adapter...
I have 20 foot long privet hedge in my back garden,how can i kill it without breaking my back digging up all the roots?The solution needs to be pet friendly
I am taking someone to small claims court and have been told that I cannot send court papers to their company address. Although they have said they had passed the matter to their solicitors, the...
I'm sorry if this has been discussed before but I would welcome any advice. I really am afraid of flying but love going on holiday/. My husband is really supportive but finds it difficult when I cry...