Who's yours and why??? Mine's Rick Stein just sheerly because everything he does is super-fresh and from ingredients you can get in the UK without buying packaged. I think he's especially talented...
There was a real buzz on the net about 6 months ago about the new episode of 'Cracker' that is being made - but news seems to have dried up...anyone heard anything?
i was a bit confused about doctor who on saturday because at the begining of the two parter rose said this is the story of how i died. then just b4 she spoke to the doctor for the last time she said...
my neighbour's dog constantly barks from dawn til dusk everyday. it has a shed outside and stands at the gate in snow even not seeming bothered about getting wet. how does my neighbour get it to stop...
my little cat has always been an indoor cat, I have had her about two years, and I recently moved into a new apartment with some other ladies. They have been careless about leaving the door open...
I saw, in a petstore window, a sign advertising kittens for sale "from ?60." Black and white, ginger, long haired and short haired etc. Not long ago people couldn't wait to GIVE kittens away.
Well, we didn't get much sleep last night. Next door has 4 dogs, which include one bitch and one dog, both intact. So, every month, he has to separate them. He's put the bitch in a cage in the back of...
Is it true that a professional photographer could tell if you had scanned and therefore copied one of his photos? I've heard that they can detect it somehow, and that got me wondering - just how do...
I have a computer running Windows XP. When I connect to the internet (I am with Orange dial up) everything is great until I close the window. When I close the window for explorer I used to get the...
I'd just like to know my fellow ABers views on an incident that happened this morning, if you don't mind that is! As I was happily walking up the road with the pram, I was stopped by a woman in her...
I'm looking for a bit of advice, my mum passed away last October and my 16 year old daughter took it really bad as they were very close, my mother in law is terminally ill and we have been told to...
I had a crash about 6 months ago when a lorry went into the back of me as we pulled away from a set of lights. The lorry driver has told is Insurance company that he was static at the time and that i...
(This is probably somewhere on the site, but if so I can't find it, another symptom of my computer illiteracy.) How can I attach links to my answers (the ones that come up in red and take you...
I was watching a legal drama the other night, and I was wondering: If someone pleads not guilty to something, and then gives evidence to the proof of it in their own trial (and defence), and then is...
When a hen lays a number of eggs can they have different roosters as the father? Say the first egg be from rooster 1 then the second out from rooster 2?
i know i've done wrong i was travelling to the beach on 01/07/06 the motorway was empty due to england game so when i hit the motorway i thought i'd try the speed of my new ford mondeo 1.8 16 valve...
How do you keep cats out of your yard.The city i live in has no laws on cats running wild,and animal control wants to charge me fore each cat they catch.Is there anything that will keep them from...