2dn Bellow was one constant emitted by upcoming American director (4) s?u? 13dn Distant traveller getting brilliant clip uploaded in time (10) ?????w?m?? 22dn Call for attention, meeting private...
10ac Foot catching cold, as nippy (4) ?a?y =racy why? 17ac Speciality, level beyond me (6) ?e?i?r senior? why? 22ac Fox was feeding until now (2,4) t? d?t? = to date why? 24ac Sweet -- or not? (4)...
Not doing at all well today,must be the dreaded 1st ?
7d(7&6) Mobility aids left amid stirring criticism by some initially ( xAxxxxxxxKx) is it walking sticks ?...
This week it isn't the long, obscure, ambiguous or misleading clues that foxed me. It's a very simple one (seemingly!) 2 down: "A shelter for cows" (4). Now the linking letters from other clues give...
4ac Familiar OT book returning saint carried around Surrey town (3,5) ??? ????? 14ac Two Conservatives worried by country -- it's one thing after the other (13) c???a?????i?? 27ac Bad spell that's...
12ac Brazilian star coach joins staff I'm to show round Scottish golf club (6,7) c????? ??r???a carmen miranda? why? 22ac Rock 'n' roller that is involved in long goodbye with partners after tour's...
One sometimes hears of an elderly or sick person giving power of attorney to someone else to manage their affairs for them. Does that mean the person giving that power loses all control, or can they...
Please parse these: 1dn Lay in a fish to be served up and eaten by sister (7) s?c?l?r = secular 5ac In Marseilles fish soup is not cooked without using tarragon initially (7)p?i?s?n = poisson? 17ac...
can someone please tell me how to get rid of those silly adverts that keep coming up, and one that says it is from web page, , but when i click on cancel it just comes back again. please tell me in...
8dn King of Arms moving Arnold to nursery (6,3,6) n?r?o? a?d ???t?r 11ac English county town loses ring — one by a pottery factory (7) e???r?a emporia? why? 23dn Types of window allowing smoke to...
7dn A Communist crime suppressed by quiet heroism (4-7) ??r? ???????
18ac Estimate the work to be done (4) ???c
26ac After this, you'd be unlucky to lose your footing (3,5,3) ??? ???r? e??...
4 Down - Moved thru water (4) SwAm or SwUm ?
57 Across - Swallowed liquid (5) DrAnk Or DrUnk ?
73 Across - Suspicious behaviour (6,2) ?o?n?s ?n
11 Down - Unwilling to answer directly (7) ???s?v?...