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cooking waffles in his garden. There's snow on the ground & it's freezing. Why can't he cook in his kitchen! With a bit of luck he might catch his death of cold!...
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After telling one of the family that I had read "the hobbit" but had never seen the film, I got the DVD for Christmas, and so far, about one third of the way through it I have heard only a few words...
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Thoroughly enjoyed it, the only thing that spoiled it was seeing tattoos on the female choristers. I don't care what anyone says, it is NOT ladylike....
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as above earlier today. susan boyle sang really well.......I cant remember the male singer who sang near the end, never been a fan of his, ruined a lovely carol.
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to face 3 more charges, one victim said to be 7 or 8 years old! He's supposed to be pleading not guilty. I hope justice is seen to be done!...
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is there a problem with peanut suppliers this year? I have not been able to get any salted peanuts, plenty of other nuts and fancy flavours but no salted nuts, I have tried Morrisons, Lidle and co-op,...
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Taking the Pizzz? Saly Army, Donate £19> what the hell are these Charities up to?...
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I am going to make a mandarin and chocolate cheesecake, is there something I should add to the melted chocolate before swirling it into the cheesecake?...
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If you have a recipe for a cake in a loaf tin, and you want to either tray bake it or bake it in a finger tray, how would you adjust the cooking time? The recipe says 50 mins @ 180 degrees, for the...
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I know that the 'onesie' is something of a new phenomenon, so i am intrigued about the ettiquette of wearing one. When we decamped back to my daughter's house after her son;s fourth birthday party at...
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how can I thicken fruit puree? I am on a thick pureed diet and use Mc Daugalls thickener or cornflour for hot savoury things, but I like to blend up fresh fruit as a desert, but it always comes out to...
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1. Never give a woman any kind of household appliance or something that is going to make "housework" easier. For instance, a blender, a toaster, a new vacuum, one of those mops they advertise on tv...
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Is there such a thing? One of the shelves under my sink collapsed a while back....pans are piled up and its a pain trying to get to them....
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I want to buy a nice tin of blue bird toffee as a gift, but haven't seen them in the shops lately, are they still made?
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I have a nice variegated holly that I planted about six years ago, about 4ft high and a green one a bit younger, how old are they before they have berries please? there are a lot of hollies about the...
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when I tried to look at my water meter I found it was under water, its about 18ins deep in the ground, my neighbours meter is the same depth and is dry, I think the pipes must be leaking, but when I...
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I bought a lot of stamps last year with a reindeer on them as It was chap deal, (for oldies I seem to remember) but never used them all, so can I use them for this years Christmas cards? and as the...
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Just a general question regarding dogs and pork,why it isn't good for them,is it supposed to give them worms,just though I'd ask??
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I saw on the news a few days ago that some bright spark has come up with the idea of recycling pacemakers that have been removed from people after death, why has this not always been done, they cost...
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I was wondering if anyone here has had this done? And honestly, how unpleasant was it? Thanks GF...

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