We live on the east coast in Norfolk .Our TV signal comes from Tacleston . Our television reception is hit and miss at the best of times We cannot get channel five at all and four is dodgy most of the...
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Society-and-Cul ture/Religion-and-Spirituality/Question429368. html Regarding the ridiculous comments by this 'learned' churchman - I'm not exactly a bible basher (not a...
does any body know what the track is that is used for the new Panasonic camera advert? It's really catchy and sounds as though it really gets going (banjo / guitar) . cheers
Hello does anybody know the name of the this song or even if it is a song i heard it at a school convert and liked it , "May your life in this world be a happy one, May your sun be warm and may your...
I live out on the isle of portland and I can see a huge scary load of clouds coming in across the sea. I mean, there is a nice clear blue sky and a complete LINE of black cloud mid way up the sky....
My husband just quietly beckoned me into the kitchen to see a Blackbird sitting on our draining board, pecking at the cherries I'd just washed in the colander! We slowly went over to let him out of...
Any ideas as to the title or author of a book I read from 1950's or 60's set post war Channel Islands with visiting children searching for 'treasure' hidden from occupying forces. Clues included ormer...
Can anyone recomend a program to use for sending photos via email? If I just download them from my camera, they are a massive size, e.g. 4MB for each one, and they obviously need compressing. Yahoo...
They say speed kills, but this is a joke! Is there any chance of looking into why this site has been on a go slow of late please? I don't have the time to sit waiting for the pages to 'turn over' &...
I got married in a Catholic church and am about to divorce my husband, where do I stand with the church? Does this mean I cannot go to another church service and receive the sacraments or have...
Can I suggest a topic all about Youtube? You could call it 'Pointless Waste of Time' or perhaps 'Are People Really too Lazy to Copy and Paste a Link?' maybe even 'For When You Have Nothing Interesting...
can anyone help me with these cryptic cluesfor tv presenters limited greek and french somehow he has animal instincts queues?just cacoa being moved scottish mountain has low cloud when the french...
My garden is full of lily of the valley and what I think are Solomon Seal. Well. threads of the latter,as the slugs have been chomping their way through them. Now, what I can't find in gardening books...
Sorry but am I the only one who really hates these new ads? First the one with the parents screaming and shouting at their daughter for coming in late and now I've just seen a new one with a wife...
ok, i don't mean to offend anyone here i really don't but if you are a devout christian or have devout religious values you might not want to read this. I am christenened..and so..technically a...