I have just finished reading my latest mag with it's true life stories. You know 'husband ran off with my 16 year daughter' 'my husband the rapist' those sort of stories. I have never met anyone I...
I have been with my partner for 2 years now and i shave down below, i would love not to shave but im embarassed because i have ginger pubes. I am now become 3 months pregant and i am worried because...
I seldom have coffee ...and really should've learnt my lesson from previous sleepless nights ...... but i had one cuppa at around 4pm...and another irish coffee at around 8pm tonight and.... i am...
My question is about mentrual changes when menopause starts. My cycle started when I was 11, I am now 45. Up until last year I was 28 days regular with a few hiccups in between. Now, it's changed to...
Do women still expect, or like, a man to be chivalrous or more importantly do men like to be chivalrous towards women? It seems to be a lost art, at least with many of the men I know, I'd quite like...
How do anthiests believe the world started? There are only a couple of possibilites really. To say you dont believe in god must mean you believe we are here through some other force, but evolution is...
i was debating the drug issue on another site. and i wondered why is it when you have a debate about illegal drugs the first reaction of the drug users is " well what about cigarettes?what about...
Ive been cheated on in every serious relationship I have been in (grnated only 4) im 31. Ive met this wonderful man but im scared to let it get too serious. How can I learn to let go?
due to lots of flooding and hot weather in my area we have a favorable breeding ground for mosquitoes and there is an abundance at the moment what this risk of these spreading HIV to people in this...
Does anyone have or know of anyone who has one of these matresses and do they work? My brother in law is almost completely incapacitated because of severe back pain. I am desperately trying to find...
i just want to apologise in advance for posting quite a bit lately, all of which have been questions related in some way to my bf. i just dont know who to talk too and i always find it useful on here...
how long after you split with someone does it start to get better?. Am finding it a little hard at the minute to be very honest, after just finishing with a girl who i really liked.