We've reactivated our welcome email campaign. If you have received one, and you're not a brand-spanking-new-fangled-member please report so here. If you are brand-fangled and spanked you should keep...
As one who never downloads high-capacity programs and who has always had masses of space on his hard drive I was astonished to discover today that with over 100,000 Mb used I have only 15 Mb left....
Having watched some of the Jubilee celebrations I noticed that Prince Edward had some medals pinned on his uniform,How is it that he only spent "5 minutes" in the military and has accrued...
Now then, here is a curious thing. It is Catholic dogma that Anne the Mother of Mary (Mother of Jesus) was a virgin which presents an interesting problem, if Anne was a virgin fertilized by Immaculate...
Since believers strive to always fulfill the will of their god I was wondering how many of the believers here would be willing to "put every man woman and child to the sword" if their god...
On the front page of The Times last Thursday there was a picture of the Queen and Kate hugely enjoying some joke. To my astonishment I noticed that the Queen's left glove was all chewed up and...
Since Jesus arrived on earth with his new message, many ‘prophets’ have surfaced - Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and Charles Taze Russell, to name but a few – and the millions that follow...
I recently spent £500 on a HP laptop, 25 days after buying it, it went wrong. I returned to the national electrical shop and was told that it had to be repaired as it hadn't gone wrong within 21...
This question, despite being answered numerous times, has recently been asked yet again. Clearly the misconception that religion is of no interest to the non-believer persists, so perhaps a thread...
On the news tonight, both a representative of the Church of England and a spokesman for Islam said that since it is in direct contravention of God’s law, marriage between same sex couples must...
We've all seen them, doing 45 in the left hand lane forcing all the trucks and coaches to overtake them. Far more dangerous than speeding, is it time to enforce a minimum speed of 60mph on motorway...
A hypothetical question. Bearing in mind all the opposition to our recent and current military involvement around the world, if another Hitler were to surface, should we wage war on him as we did in...
My young niece asked me if it was true that the Virgin Mary was physically lifted into heaven. I blustered a bit as I was not really sure of the basis of her question. Is there a reference to this...
There doesn't seem to be an obvious section for this question, but here goes. I am told that if you want to send a message by lighting beacons across the UK, you need only 8. If you light one at...
I have received an email with an attachment which my compter will not open on the grounds that I have 'no program associated with it'. It advises me to get on to Folder Options to sort it out, but I...
Leviticus goes on and on in the Bible about which individuals and their sons should get what share of the meat. So God thought this worthy of being included in the enduring advice to everyone?? Sounds...
There are lots of accents and dialects in this country, which I think is wonderful. But where did pronunciation like this come from: brarss plark (brass plaque)? Barth (Bath)? And lots of others....