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Yet another horse killed on the Aintree Course. The course has allegedly been made safer, and "Jockeys who rode in Thursday's race had reported...
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.....but I defy anyone not to. **WARNING** Plenty of expletives!...
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I have noticed over the last few weeks - and obviously heard it in the past too, that some people have not turned up for someones important do, and stated that they 'cant drink', as the reason -...
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has fallen on Big Brother's Brian Dowling. At last Channel 5 have realised he is totally $%"$*$*....
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I hate it! I want my own food on my own plate, thank you very much. When did this trend for sharing a pudding start? I can understand, perhaps, a mixture of finger food so each can have a taste of...
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According to this the average person has 12 takeaways a month. That seems like loads to me! I'd probably have three in one month, tops. I get the odd Indian and the occasional trip to Mcdonalds or KFC...
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I often get them coming into the garden from the surrounding countryside, looking for crumbs beneath the hanging peanut feeders. So far I've only seen male birds. Do they tend to release only the...
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Ed: I've sent you two emails recently and not had any replies. I put my email address on.
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Ann I pity her poor children reading this - she should keep her thoughts to herself I think....
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youngmafbog Seems utterly barbaric but I wonder if this is what some people in this country would like to see happen here? Should we...
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Are you happy with your lot? Is your cup half full or half empty? Are you bitter, jealous or content?
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So did Karl pull the plug - last I saw Sunita's eyes were flickering and Dev was talking to her - then I heard Dev talking to Marcus on the phone and she was dead - what happened in between?
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Now here's a dog enjoying life. And the confidence in it's owner when jumping off the van!!!
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as above, or do we become evil ?
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My husband has lots of lovely items passed down from his ancestors. Some beautifully engraved silver and pottery included. Lots of jewellery which we dont know is worth anything or just costume...
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Is spring finally here ? I'm looking out through my office window and it is blazing sunshine outside . Get your mini skirts ( is that sexist ) / shorts /sandals / string vests , out - turn the central...
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I am thinking of going to see a hypnotist in a bid to quit smoking, I was wondering if any of you had used hypnotherapy for anything. Did it work? Would you recommend it? It is fairly expensive but if...
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Is it a Northern thing or does anyone else call it going to the baths?

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