I know cement can go off by getting damp into it and setting hard, it also has a shelf life, once its well passed this date does its chemical properties decrease ? i ask because i recently laid some...
ok, bet thats got everyones attention...just need an informed sensible answer ... a member of my inlaws family (in his 50s)has been claiming certain benefits for well over 10 years while also working...
im currently shopping around for house & contents insurance anyone give me a reason or the benefits of doing it as a joint policy (husband & wife) rather than in just my name?...(the house is in joint...
is it me or is it particulary bad this year we used to have 2 dogs and 3 cats we lost the dogs not so long ago so we are down to 3 cats only. Despite all the regular flea protection & house sprays the...
just set up a PC for work use, everythings fine apart from the start menu and desktop icons are huge, sort of 'fisher price' spec...tried everything i know including the obvious in the start menu...
not sure this is in the right section, but just check the video, sheer quality http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1201973/Caught-camera-The-best-wedding-pro...
a few months ago we put our 12 year old retriever in kennels for a week while we went on holiday, we came back to be told he had been savaged by another dog at the kennels resulting in his tail being...
put my 12 year old golden retriever into the local kennels last saturday week, went to collect him on saturday morning to be told he had a slight accident and he was at the vets, been there for 3...
do solicitors open on sat mornings ?? or is it just mon-fri ?? rang a few in my local area and got a no, just wondered if there was any point in keep ringing until i find one
earlier today i seem to have lost most of the replys i made on here, also couldnt post anything. Have seen references to this before and laughed to myself...now its happened to me.. WHY !!!
My daughter has over the years had some issues with her husband , ie drinking,gambling,drugs,lazy etc.. a real gem. At the moment things are not to bad but in the past when things have been bad shes...