A fairly simple question (I hope) I have a NAtWest bank account and I manage my account online. I wrote a cheque on monday and am waiting for it to clear my bank account. Now ignoring how many days to...
I paid off a mortgage and secured loan back in 2007, these adverts for claiming money back seem tempting, do i just write to the companies and ask? is it that easy? rather than getting another so...
My husband just did an online credit check for himself, and his credit rating on it is 2. Is this good or bad? it says it's on a 1-5 rating, and he got 2 stars. He had no ccj's listed on it.
I've recently bought a HTC Android mobile. Lots of my friends seem to be posting on Facebook via their mobiles as there is small print below their comments with the words "sent from my android...
Can anyone please give any advice the situation on army personnel and council discounts? My situation is this: my partner is a TA solider deploying to Afghanistan in Sep/Oct. For his pre-deployment...
As above really. I am going to be laying laminate flooring in my bedroom next week and am having a disagreement with my other half over whether to remove the skirting or not. I say not, it will take...
I've applied for a higher apprenticeship scheme at Rolls Royce, which said it required 3 a levels between A-C and in maths and either physics or chemistry.. or equivalent. I sent them my CV and filled...
Does any one know how to log into some one else's sky internet using wifi? Im using they're computer at the moment which is hocked up to a box thing, but i really want to be able to conect mine to it...
I had a call from a catalogue company, it's a long story and I have not paid a months bill and stupidly said I no longer lived at this address. They said they are going to be calling the police liason...
my 6 years old microwave has a small part of its rubber type door seal damaged could i repair this gap neatly with black plastic insulating tape, and it be safe from leaking radiating waves
We have a cloth shower curtain that is relatively new but as it drys it does give off a damp type smell. It is always kept unfolded whilst it is damp/wet, to allow the natural air to dry it. The...
Hi, I signed a contract to a business to work 35 hours a week (full time) when i was 17, at the age of 17 i am at the understanding it is only legal to work part time however i never filled out...
in brief: need to sell house, cheating ex left over yr ago, 2 young kids, he still pays over half mortgage, need to cut ties. cant sell house cos stand to loose 22 grand or more, planned to rent it...
i am trying to sell my house in shrewsbury area and it has been on the market for nearly a year with no viewings! any suggestions on getting people in to view it? please
Does anyone know the position... I drew £60 from a cash machine - duly authorised and the card was returned - but I neglected to take the money from the slot, I got distracted talking but I...
a friend of mine does teaching assistant work but is now on the dole as he cant get any work due to cut backs. he has a mortgage and gets benefits and says that the dole covers part of his mortgage...