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Which one do you think???
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Hello All, I just wanted to post a follow up to my question about a cheating girlfriend from earlier in the week. Cheers for your responses. After some very careful thought I decided I still loved my...
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my lower teeth come over my top teeth which makes my jaw look big, is there an operation where I can I have jaw put back. I has born with this.
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If you could get it on with one member of ab who would it be?
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i cant choose between two tops blue or brown???
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right, children in need ... annoys the arse off me. lets get graham norton , some eastenders actors, a couple of aged presenters-eg the wogan. some news reporters and some "celebrities" eg jade goody...
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4 years ago i had my daughter i was 16 and felt i couldnt cope so my brother offered to have her so it went court and he gained a residency order i now wish to have this discharged as i want her back...
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Hi, hope i can receive some advice in this category? i am finding some of the other categories aren't so keen on 'newcomers'? Anyway any advice/experience/thoughts would be very gratefully received on...
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Pea Pod
Is this what you class as soitary confinement?
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Is there any chance you could help me with a problem I've got with my Corsa? I've been told you're the person to ask!!...... I put the question on the other day and so far, no-one has offered any...
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Who would you give yout last rolo to? Credit for my Bob for the suggestion...mwah x Ps. If you can't thing of anyone then feel free to send them my way ;)
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Is there a law for the time they can start as I was woken to this morning to a workman banging a cement mixer at 8.30am. Thanks for your help.
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Hi has anyone got experience of renting out property? im new to this and wondered if i should include the cost of council tax in the rent? i have a 1 bedroom flat with fitted kitchen and all white...
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Just wanted to put this question to fellow ABers...most of us (but not all) have had to get over people in our lifetime for one reason or another...what did you do to pick yourself up?...did you take...
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I need to lose a bit off weight (not too much) and tone up. Anyone got any good ideas/tips to help please? Best foods/recipies, exercises (what kind? how often?) what not to do etc (I think I might...
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My staffie x alsation has had an itchy patch under her front leg for ages now. I have taken her to the vets, spent hundreds on steroids, creams, shampoos but to no avail. Can anyone suggest an...
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stressed out
We administered some Bob Martin Sopt on Flea treatment to our little dog but she appears to still be riddled in fleas, my mum gave her a bath and she said that some fleas came off but there was blood...
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The last couple of mice i've caught by trap in my shed seem to be have been knawed by another creature. can anyone tell me if other mice are likely to eat away a trapped mouse or what else is likely...
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Why do i seem to be obsesed with my childhood,im 27 years old but most of the time i wish i were 7 again! Im alway buying films from my childhood,all the old cartoons and tv progs.I even buy toys from...
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Iam sitting here, on a sunday afternoon, 16, when all my friends are going out and crying for no reason. I think it's because i'm listening to 'sailing' and 'purple rain' and also thinking about sad...

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