So I was getting into my car, and this bloke says to me "Can you give me a lift?" I said "Sure, you look great, the world's your oyster, go for it." And the back of his anorak was leaping up and down,...
In a similar vein to I Hate Infinities recent question about when would you like to have been born. If you had the chance to go back in time for a visit, who would you like to meet? My choice would be... With more and more of this type of traitorous scum being clawed from where they...
the above is the title of a public debate that took place at University College Hospital on 9th March. The event has sparked some controversy which has been reported in the Daily Mail in its...
At presnt it seems you are either in one camp or the other and pour scorn if it doesn't agree with your own thinking. If you are in the creation camp the usual question is who created the creator. If...
What deep thinkers men are... I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer. The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking on various...
I use a prepay credit card and last Sunday loaded £100 online from my bank account to the card. On checking my credit card details they have loaded £200, yet only £100 has been taken from my bank...
I went to 'google' something and this ame up and reminded me of an ab'er
Anyone had similar strange appearances?...
I'm using win XP, fully updated. I've just noted an entry under My Network Places called IntelNetProvCredMan. Unable to double-click to get into it, unable to right-click to see properties. No alerts...
But even so, should we be sucked into another foreign conflict?...
I have an Olympus SP-800uz camera +cnt take pictures indoors at concert as shots come out blurry from backlash of lighting from stage.Can someone with said camera help me out as i paid alot of money...
I come from London and mum is, well, Mum, I've noticed on posts recently that some are writing mom even though I'm fairly certain they're in the UK. Is this an americanism or do some parts of the...