Whilst mowing the grass today, I noticed a reasonably large number of small deep holes in the lawn, some quite close together. I have never seen them before, so would appreciate any advise on what is...
Have we offended the frogs? This is the first time I have had no frog spawn since the pond was set up some 20 years ago. Friends in the village with ponds have also said they have none. Has anyone...
I would be grateful for any advice from anyone who has knowledge of the above tv, particularly if they have actually bought this system. Are you impressed with it? Will programmes in the near future...
For the past week there has been an intermittent but very rapid tapping sound coming from the bluetit nesting box on the wall. I have only once seen a bird enter and exit the box, and no other...
Has anyone any experience of this product? It's quite expensive so before lashing out, I would welcome any comments as to whether or not it has been beneficial to anyone who has one and used it. Many...
I bought a couple of bay trees a month ago, but am rather concerned that one of them seems to be suffering from yellowing leaves. Is there something I can do to improve the condition of the tree...
If I were to sign up to Netflix would I be able to get programmes such as Revenge season 2 streamed free or would I have to pay for every new episode? Would I also need to buy an Apple TV gizmo? I am...
Has anyone had any frogs spawn in their ponds this year? Normally we see them anytime between the 1st to the 10th of March, but this year not a peep of a frog in the pond. I appreciate it's been...
I have found a jar of this honey at the back of the cupboard, but when I opened the lid, I found it contained loads of blobs of crystallized honey. I tried warming it slowly in the microwave, but this...
Before lashing out on the Philips Home Cooker, does anyone have one, and would they recommend it? How easy is it to adapt your own recipes when using this machine? Any comments would be very welcome....
I opened a food cupboard yesterday morning, and noticed mice droppings on the tins, and a bag of dried soup mix had been nibbled. I put a piece of chocolate on the trap, but that hasn't been touched....
I apologise as this seems such a dumb question. My son left his ipad when he went out for a few minutes, and came back to find that very small fingers had enjoyed blowing the bombs up. He has...
I'vejust had an email from my student son who has washed his white shirt his red socks. The shirt is now a pretty pink. Is there a product that will wash the colour out that anyone could recommend...
Santa very kindly gave me an Apple Macbook Pro, and have no idea how to download from the iplayer to the computer. I have managed to work out how to do so on the bbc iplayer, but not onto the itv...
My husband had a letter from the Doctor's surgery this morning which said the Doctor had asked him to come in for a repeat fasting blood test. He had one done last Tuesday. Of course, one can't phone...
Having just mastered the art of the BBC iPlayer to download a missed programme, I missed the The King's Speech on Channel 5 last night. Can I download that, to watch it in a couple of days? I don't...
I am about to order a Canon Icxus 310 digital camera but I am unable to find a case for this specific model. Would the camera fit into say a 120 case? Also, is it better to go for a hard case or a...
I had a cataract removed from one eye a month ago which was fine, the sight for distance in that eye is wonderful now. The other eye is to be done in 3 weeks time. Interestingly, that was the 'better...