If we start with 2 and build up one digit at a time creating the smallest number with a certain property we get the number 20120456708436008 before we have to stop. What do we get if we start with the...
There are an infinite number of numbers between 1 and 2. There are an infinite number of numbers, thus the latter is bigger than the former. This is just my example but don'y take my word for...
OK we know that numbers are infinite, from this we can deduce that there is an infinite number of primes. So the question is.... Is the largest gap between prime numbers infinite or finite?...
saying their 'interventions' are justified and legit. What a bloody hypocrite like a lot of these pseudo-do-gooders. The evidence - now, of course, with his BBC income and other streams behind him, he...
Should I live long enough to see it, on my birthday in the year 2025, my age will be equal to the sum of the digits of my birth year. I will still be less than 100 years old. What is my birth year and...
As a counter to the generally negative tone this evening, what with greatest pain, hell, etc. I thought it would be nice to counter all that agony.
So, what was your greatest pleasure ?...
Is it really an emergency or as some say a catastrophe? I don't think so, I think it's been blown out of all proportion by people who have another agenda and using the environmentalists as useful...
'Teachers, doctors, police… none are what they were', says Tony Parsons writing in the Sun. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22894582/tony-parsons-society-crumbling-teachers-doctors-police/ These are...
This story in today’s Daily Mail on-line interested me (especially as some ABers think me a racist). In the article the Oxford professor claims that there were many very good things about British...
Such as extreme trans and environmental activists? Why aren't they ignored, they are tiny minorities which the vast majority of the general public disagree with. What are the politicians scared of?
Popping round his parents later for a cuppa...
Can't decide......
What of the million pounds given to Rwanda ,do we get that back?...
This is a maths question aimed at 10 year olds but there is a lot of confusion about the correct answer, according to the DM. My only confusion is understanding how it is a maths question at all....
But I wouldn’t trust this man if he said it was Wednesday tomorrow, Matt Hancock !
No doubt the Brexiteers will ignore the information in the video, or claim that it is false information.
"If you'd like to discuss politics that doesn't relate to a specific story or event, head over to our Politics section." - why then do you allow non news stories to remain in the news section when...