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How long after the beginning of the universe would it have taken for the first signs of life to appear? What I mean is when was it stable enough for life to begin? If you subscribe to the belief that...
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What headline would you most like to see plastered all over the front page of your morning paper? I am hanging out for the day I see.. WE ARE NOT ALONE !
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If light shines infinitely and in all directions and has been doing so since the beginning why is the universe black. Is it that immense that all the light that ever shone has not been able to keep up...
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at the end of ww2 nearly all of Europe must have looked like a giant scrapyard, was anyone responsible for cleaning the mess up or was it just left to individual countries? I reckon some people would...
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Does anyone give any credence to the raft of conspiracy theories that seem to be emerging every day? We did n`t go to the moon, 9/11, ufo and aliens cover up,new world order,secret governments...
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Can there be a religion with out God, a religion based on the wonders of science and the universe?
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Is it true that after the capture of Heinrich Himmler by the allies in the last days of the war British intelligence had him murdered to prevent him from disclosing that he had been offering a...
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how do I prove to someone that the earth is not the exact center of the universe? His argument is that the universe is the same everywhere we look and we don`t see further in one direction than...
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Is there a scientific reason why there are 60 seconds in a minute,60 minutes in 1 hour.Who decided that we would divide one revolution of the earth into hours, minutes , seconds? Why did we need to...
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Will it ever be possible to construct a single pole magnet and what would be practical applications of such a device?
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How did people living around 2000 years ago date an event that took place 200 years previous, they would not have said 200 BC or in the year.....? How did they keep track of time before calenders?
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When we finally get a fusion reactor up and running .will it create dangerous radioactivity and radioactive waste the same as the reactors do now?
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If you wrote a program for a computer which contained all the numbers from 1to 100 and instructed it to pick a random number , would it be able to, and if it did how did it decide which one to pick?
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Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of society? I always try to put the best slant on most situations,but it is becoming increasingly evident that we are rushing toward the precipice ,...
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Can you believe that nearly half the population of the United States still believes in creationism ,or intelligent design as the creationists now prefer to call it? I guess the name change was to make...
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If Argentina tried to seize the Falkland Islands again would Britain go to war to keep them , or would they be just written off? Maggie Thatcher this time!
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Why was Hitler`s regime called the 3rd Reich, was there a first and second Reich in German history?. Judging by a documentary I saw the other night on the SS and Odessa , it looks like the fourth...
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How much is it costing the countries involved to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ? If those in power in those countries had any brains they would load up a couple of aircraft with dollar bills...
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Friend of mine was telling me that many years ago if you were being pursued by someone, be it the police , the authorities even the Mafia i suppose, you could ask for sanctuary in the church and they...
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If there were no Christians before the birth of Jesus Christ, what were the major religions of the time before his birth?.....Were there any?

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