New series on BBC2 hosted by Dermot Murnaghan! Came across this programme yesterday where quizzers are competing for a place alongside the regular Eggheads! Noticed a few familar quiz faces from other...
i only just noticed the labelling on some of the food: soo confusing to me ... eg A. .only 3 % fat B .90% fat Free? so i guess A contains less fat than B?? are they trying to fool us???
Hi, I am doing an experiment with my boy (making a volcano actually) and we are going to be mixing bicarb with vinegar (for the eruption of course!). Why do these two chemicals react in this way; what...
What is required to set up a projector in a livingroom? I am looking to replace my current TV with one and was wondering if you can still get TV programmes as well as being able to play DVD's and use...
I've just downloaded a ring tone, but my voice mail "trips in" before the good bit! How do I set the length of time before the voicemail "trips in"? I've looked thru the user manual and can't find it....
Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place but I am getting fed up with not being able to read all the answers etc in answerbank! I simply cannot get the page to move up so I can read all the...
Does any supermarket that you know of sell SPICY vegearian sausages. I want to use a recipe but need to substitute Chorizo sausages. Many thanks in advance Cmitchell
Why is it that when you look at a television picture through a tube, such as a rolled up newspaper (yes, sad I know) the part of the picture you see is in 3D?
Hi I am due a 'special' birthday in March 2009. I dont fancy a typical party. I would like to have a family do, and go away with my hubby for a weekend (Fri-Sun). Any ideas where we could go??????????...
Today and this evening a strange bird has been observed running around my garden it is black with white underside and a longish yellow beak. Rather like a Magpie with much less white and quite a lot...
does anyone know what foods are ummmmmmmm basically pooed out the quickest, so really what goes through the body as quickly as possible, i dont eat meat i know this is slow so any other suggestions...
Empire magazine's Top 500 Movies of All Time poll (here:) (This page easier to read:
Hi, I'm looking to buy a new TV and am not sure what sort to get. LCD or Plasma??? I'm looking for something around 32" to 40" no bigger and will use it mainly for watching DVD's (not blueray)...