1) 19 52 E M to E 2) 40077 E C of E 3) 6 S on a C P (all I can come up with is 6 stumps on a cricket pitch which I'm sure ain't right!) and 4) 7 P of E. Any help out there please?
example, cut and listen = shear/hear, 1. line and headline, 2. could be this place, the extra letter may be either added to the first or second word, thanks for looking
1 preserve reflect on famous river, 2 south american indian instamatic, 3 bird of prey with colic, 4 the cost of watching a comet, 5 depressed brummies, thanks for looking
dont you just hate it if you join a dead long thread and then your the last and nobody answers after you i feel like billy no mates so iam allways dead glad when i get answer after me so go on make me...
hi im just wondering, does anyone else find that they kill threads? there could be 20 answers and i put one down then nothing. i should maybe start ending my replies with .. i'll get me coat
which word links the two together? computer - warden corned beef - browns drop - centre short - teller bow - breaker fall in - letter leap - book thanks for any help!!
What is the next (and last) in this sequence: aua; eua; a; ai; a; ue; u; auu; eee;ooe; oee? I'm going nuts. Even better if you know what it (they) mean.