I have just heard of someone of being bilingual in several different languages, and I was wondering how one defines a native level of language, as individuals differ so greatly in their own level of...
Some nine-year-olds I know have been reading about American children burning marshmallows over camp fires, and now they are burning some over a candle using kebab sticks to hold them. However, the...
Help reduce the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in the British countryside, buy a badger baiting kit. They come complete with lump hammers, metal spikes, smoke grenades, nets, rotweilers and axes. (...
so, lets say, for the sake of argument, that spirits and ghosts exist, then the world explodes, literally! shatters into tiny subatomic (if thats a real term!) particles! so, what happens to the...
Keep reading about Big Brother being axed for next year But Davina said last night see you next show and that they are already taking auditions. how true is it?
The answers are girls' names: A queen (6) An Italian title of address (5) I was thinking Ellery for the first and Bella for the second, althugh is Bella really a title of address? What do you think...
Hi...I'm afraid this is rather a trivial question but my mother does not know how to pronounce the name 'Mepham' from the Telegraph crosswords and she has asked me to post on here to find out. Thank...
The stereotype of a really posh person with perfect received pronunciation, seem to say "what" at the end of each sentence. For example "Spiffing weather today, what" "Good day for hunting, what"...
1. Having a thin body build . 11 LETTERS E?T??O??H?? 2. A Member of an ancient order of pre-Christian Priests in Gaul. 5 LETTERS?R?I? 3. The most powerful, rich, gifted or educated members of a group...