All answers are medical 7. First 8 letters on head rest, not quite 23. Kastners play 24. Burger on behjalf of Kastner 42. Why they released it in March this year 57. Post war time 81. Given a hand to...
any help please with these body parts questions 79 played on stage by fourteen perhaps (4 6 8 ) I have got one armed bandit for answer to no 14. 80 not exactly what morris men perform in egypt thought...
1. cakes for dieting pixies (5,6) I know it's fairy something, please help 2. locals have sympathy but lose psychic ability (8) 3. sounds like a very dull ruminant (6) I don't think a donkey is a...
1. Not a problem for Venus de Milo (6.5.) 2. but one for Rose, perhaps, down below. ( 10. 4.) 3. I'd had eighth pint, which sabotaged my slimmimg regime! (3,3,5,4,) 4. This clairvoyant sounds like a...
any help please with these questions 1 grasses and leaves (6) 2 america can change direction(6) 3 underground garden ornament say (9) 4 fighters allowance(9) 5 record an olympian spirit(5) Thank you...
can anyone see a connection between 12) John Sidney McCain Pipe Cecil B Demille The winter's tale 14)Victoria Becham Elton John The Maltese Falcon Lorraine Chase Not the whole answer is used, just...
I am posting this to see what other ABers think of this new quiz. I have had time now to have a good look at it and I reckon that is much harder than their previous quizzes. Not only that, but there...