Having read Redhelens miss posting earlier I decided to have a look at the "other" site. I could not believe the vitriole, nastiness, bullying that goes on there/ Are there no mods or an...
Is it common for women to lose hair after having a baby? something to do with hormones I assume? anyway, can anyone recommend a treatment for this or a good thickening shampoo? Thanks.
Sorry for being a bit long-winded...but... Recently my partner was contacted by the CSA about possibly being the father of a child born in '94...he's going along with their requests for information...
For several years he's been making my life a living hell (and my wife's) we've had enough and now want him to move out to stand on his own two feet. He has no respect for us or our home so we feel the...
This has caused me problems for years as I sadly went grey at a very young age. I am now still only in my late twenties and believe that my hair is now almost 100% grey at the roots. I have tried...
my mate geordie from newcastle is always on about how he loves a pint of mark almond,apparently its a popular drink on tyneside but has anyone else heard of it
My husband and I can no longer live with each other. He treats me so badly I can't believe I've put up with him for 10 years but now my eyes are opened and I can see him for what he is. I'm not...
I have a vauge idea about a plate that all the guests at a celebration party can sign with a special sort of pen,then you bake it in your oven, but I cant remember where I saw it.......(fat lot of...
My current husband and I have been together for years and have Thomas(4) and another baby due soon.I made a very bad decision and left him for 2yrs a while back.In that time I got pregnant and married...