I am old enough to remember when we only had 3 channels, BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV. I remember when channel 4 started in 1982, I was just 13 years old, but I remember saying to my parents where on earth... ...
What an amazing miracle, all passengers escape blazing airliner. Wow! https://uk.news.yahoo.com/plane-flames-runway-tokyo-airport-092000530.html?.tsrc=fp_deeplink Very sad about the other aircraft... ...
I went for Christmas carols to a new church, but we sat on cold wooden pews with no heat on. I, plus a few others who attended, (not many), sat with coats and scarves on all evening. I haven't... ...
Please help me find where this sketch is from, because no one seems to know it and I'm beginning to think I'm imagineing it It's a sketch that's a parody of the old toys r us adverts. It starts... ...
He has cleared off now for Christmas so no time left for a last minute pressie! It's my second year working for him and last year he didn't bother either. I feel I'm being treated differently, as... ...
I've been offered a job from an agency in a warehouse Monday to Thursday 7.30-4.30 Friday 7.30-12.15 and its 2 buses away I need a new job but don't like sound of journey
What are they wanting? It was an infectious virus that could be dangerous to the old and the vulnerable. People were obviously going to die, we can't save everyone. There's no point in moaning... ...
I have my deceased partners car in our drive. It cannot be seen from the road,' I presume it can sit there till the road tax runs out .I cannot find any road tax documents in my partners papers,so... ...
Over the last couple of months my girlfriend who I live with for seven years,I moved in so we could be together, has started using the kitchen as a living room! Doesn't even sit with me in the... ...
foreign national who has lived in ireland, maybe something to do with gaza? there not saying, this kind of event was inevitable sadly, we have seen it... ...
Then it hung up again. The PC then says device not recognised or similar and the drive has dissapeared. Rebooting did not help. I returned the dive for a refund and bought another from elsewhere... ...
52 Panicking Tory MPs are standing down at the next GE. They say they are staring down the barrel of a Huge Labour Victory......Some big names amongst these rats jumping overboard inluding Sajid... ...