help required with the following 17a To be one,this administrator must have two others (8) t?i?m?i? 20a watch selector starting to be replaced by model (6) t?c?e? is it ticked? any help much...
Is Jeff Pearce morphing into Dean Mayer? 8d Celeb gets government Department to employ Henry aged chap to raise earl (9,4) ???s????? ???? 9a Vehicle on motorway carried ringo "rolling stones"...
Definitely a tough one to get into. I was going along nicely, solved a few clues and got what I thought was the correct code only to find I've made a slip somewhere. I think the logic is pretty much...
Hi guys stuck on two 28 down french breakfast pastry 14 letters I have p?i?a?c?o?o?a? and 60 across sound of something being hit 6 letters I have t???c?. many thanks for your help
16d 5 letters (ends in a ) maniac crashes encompassing African City
19a 4 letters British security cut in group of nations
15a 4 letters artist encapsulates that male bird
Thank you...
A welcome return to solvable EVs again! Chalicea is good at packing thematic stuff into her grids, isn't she? I count at least 54 cells (maybe more) that are thematically linked, spread all over the...
12across.11letters(5,6) Clue. Head(slang) Cryptic.Head for the attic -p-e------- 3down.6letters Clue.rise the form of a little money rise ---e-r 4down.7letters Clue.wind in the...
after a week away, my mind hasn't quite got back to the RT x-word mindset ... 8a material girl (9) ???r?e??? 3d where to read of 1990s crime series (7,3,5) ???w?e? the ????? 19a is tom against...
All done except three, and can't find the answers. 27d The _____: 2013 Peter Moffatt drama (7) V?L?A?E. 45d Local name for a tidal race in Orkney and Shetland (5) R?O??. 57a In linear algebra, the sum...
16a) Part of goal is to thwart lawyers (8) Crossbar?
22d) Supernatural being - endless precious metal produced by 'em (5)
Thanks in advance for your help....
you obviously like crosswords join our little telegraph crossword club and guess the link words in Quizzes and Puzzles KM links is already up this morning. MM Links will appear at 8.45. Numbers have...
I've been defeated by the EV for a couple of weeks running so it was nice to get back on track this time round. I do like it when a thematic idea is applied to all clues/ answers, especially if...