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Read this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070208/ap_on_fe_s t/honest_cabbie What would you have done in the same situation?
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Just interested to get peoples opinions on this. I grew in Birmingham and never really considered this an issue as I was always used to being around so many different types of people. I know a lot of...
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AB Asks
The power of a cup of tea is amazing. It rehydrates the body as well as water and the goodness it is packed full of can protect against heart disease. Tea also contains fluoride which is great for...
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a) how long was the longest thread ever on AB? b) can we beat it?
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http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Food-and-Drink/ Question361909.html
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In the Mirror today http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_headline=blair %2D-we-can%2Dt-go-on-without-toll-tax%26method =full%26objectid=18586574%26siteid=94762-name_ page.html How arrogant is this man?
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I was just watching a Bravo TV show called "World's Most Amazing Videos". It is apparent to see that during incidents that require some degree of instant rescue or saving evasive action, men are...
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which would you choose to have if you had to!! 1. flu 2. migrain 3. back ache 4. tooth ache 5. racism lecture and full english with jade goody?
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If you had to loose one of your senses, which one would you prefer to loose? Its got to be one of the last 3 i would imagine.
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so all this talk of bird flu.should us blokes be worried?
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whats the one thing you would really love to have in life but you know its never going to happen?
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i need a ghost writter for a great idea i have for a book any suggestions how i go about it
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why is it that E numbers dont have the same effect on adults as they do on our kids.? When my 3 year old has even the smallest amount of cola or a single smartie he bounces off the walls, and runs...
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=433830&in_page_i d=1770 I've never liked the man, but then again i am a Tory voter, but, even his most ardent supporters...
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I have this friend who says he keeps having constant erection. He says It's becoming embarrassing. Is this a medical problem?
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Why can't women throw and run like men
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Hi AB ed hope you are ok ; o) . Well i have a suggestion that could be both useful and much appreciated. We have sections which are very helpful but i have a section that will be more helpful and...
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People are cutting the grass at the end of January. There is no ice on the roads. People are not dying of hypothermia. We are using less fuel to keep us warm. I saw a butterfly yesterday. On the...
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from the Ed Blod ... To update those of you who have shown an interest in this option, we are currently looking for more AnswerBank users to subscribe before we can launch the feature, as we currently...

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