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Has Boris been at the vino ? We can't even afford to fund the NHS and our prisons properly, so this new idea of his will probably join Boris Island in...
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You may have read in the media of the changes being made to the Radio 2 schedules, which the station admits are down to its 'need' to increase its 'diversity' quotient. In plain English, the station...
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Have you got any planned? Me I’m going to join the gym, cut down drinking and quit smoking. You?...
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Does anyone know if there is going to be another series of NCIS? The last one I watched was when Di Nozzo left. (Don't like his new series Bull, by the way)....
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Anyone else find this a very odd and dull story. Why is this considered to be a classic novel. ?
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My mail keeps getting delivered elsewhere - various near neighbours and not so near over the last few years. The latest letter to go astray is my Premium Bond record and my neighbour opened it by...
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been having this problem for months, sometimes it will charge to 100 percent. then like now only 45 percent and its been on for hours. is there anything to be done or do i buy another phone....
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Is the BiBle the course of the chaos in the 20th century or man stupidity Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims are fleeing to Bangladesh Muslim against Muslim...
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I am seeking a 2-3 min poem to read for a drama class. It needs to be contemporary and serious rather than a kids poet. I really don't know much about poetry, especially modern ones. Can anyone...
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can there be graphic violence in text?
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I've had the above....or cheesey peas as we call it several times now from Indian restaurants and loved it. Most of the time, the peas were mixed up in melted cheese. So i thought i'd have a go...
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mixed-race couples in adverts? Is it because they're trying to show they're racially tolerant, displaying they're agreeing with current philosophies or merely saying 'it's ok to have mixed-race...
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How is Rory going to be written out. Anyone know?
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Why does she get more publicity / exposure, and products to promote, than other reality show winners, let alone Bake Off winners? Watching her on Jonathan Ross tonight, he and his audience roared with...
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Mice are coming into my yard presumably after seeds etc dropped from my bird feeders - other than traps, and not wanting to stop feeding the birds, how can I deter them?
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I was saddened to hear of his recent passing. I often thought, his songs were uplifting, maybe more than the titles might suggest....
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In Facebook, I can no longer 'share with friends', I can only share individual items 'in a message' to each friend !! Can anyone please tell me what I can do to change my settings back to being able...
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I go into internet, cant see the word MORE so press three buttons on top right of screen, settings, privacy , delete. It says All Personal Data deleted.. But when I check internet history it is still...
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The making of them. (I cannot imagine the relief in coming out of costume and make-up.)

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