Why didn't he just marry her all those years ago, they where carrying on when he married Diana, and from what I can gather, they knew each other years and years before that and where doing the same...
How stupid is this man? Just weeks after over 100 thousand lost thier lives in the tsunami disaster he had to make a sick joke. Referring to Newcastle as the Toon army in asia. ...
Just to get a consensus, those of you who have been to both ther cities, which one do you prefer? Or are they both equally grand? Secondly, which would you choose to go to Chechoslavakia or Vienna....
Does a divorced lady have to use her married name until her daughter gets married? My friends (female)mum says that she'll go back to her maiden name once my friend gets married. Keeping your married...
I am a pregnant teenager and quite frankly I'm sick of the dirty looks I get from people on the street. Why do so many people judge on how good a parent you will be by the years you have been...
I am appalled by the reaction to Prince Harry's gestapo outfit at a PRIVATE fancy dress party. What on earth is going on in this country. Why on earth should he apologise. I am so...
Hi, My boyfriend is comin back after a 2 week break from home and i would like to cook him a romantic dinner for 2, i wanted it to be special, can anyone help me with recipes for a salad and main...
2 years 2 massive earthquakes on boxing day. last year 30,000 killed on boxing day in Iran. This year scores killed on boxing day. In 2 consecutive years disasters on boxing day. Pure coincidence or...
How to survive xmas day with vexacious (sp?) relatives...will have to communicate with them ....anyone care to share any topics that are light and bland and good for the initial couple of...
Many years ago in my college days, we were hanging out with friends at someone's home, when someone asked me to pass her the "afghan". This puzzled me, as I didn't know what she meant, which...
People keep asking me if I'm gay. Someone even kindly offered to lend an ear if I wanted to 'come out'. I have a fiance and am getting married next year. It is beginning to get to me. What should I...
The bloke I fancy NEVER sits next to me. If we are in a pub or just having a meeting, he will always sit opposite. Sometimes I am embarassed how obvious it is. Do you think this is because 1) He does...