How come a woman (usually!!!) could get away with not having to go to work in the 60s and 70s, and could live quite comfortably with their partner being the paid worker? Were tax allowances so much...
This is my 2nd day of not smoking and I was wondering if anyone else had found a good way to distract themselves,when you get a craving? I am taking zyban which is supposed to lessen the urge to...
What enters the field of play in a football match at half time but does not leave until the match is over. If it's a Saturday game it leaves at the end of the game, but if it's mid week it remains...
I hope that my spelling is correct but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong! A man who dislikes women is called a mysogonist but what is the name for a woman who hates men? I'm sure I'll have...
I was watching the mind and memory program last night on BBC1 9pm - forget what it was called (ha ha ha) - and it said that studies show that taking large quantities of cod liver oil/fish oil tablets...
where can i find (preferably freebie websites) Lotus Notes reference manuals specifically to do with the Notes API please? is a needle in a haystack before you suggest it
imagine i had a bloody big drill and i drilled right through the earth to australlia going through the core so the earth had a bloody big hole roight through the middle then i jumped down it.. (...
I have heard a rumour that Texan Bars are on the way back - the only choccie bar I've ever liked, I seem to recall on a cold day on the way to school they took forever to chew through. Can anybody...