6th consecutive quarter apparently. I am not sure exactly what Sainsbury's are for ? I remember Alan Coren being asked the same question on The News Quiz...
At least this one has the decency to resign, which must be a relief to the rest of his embarrassed colleages.... Strange this it would appear that knowing the price of petrol and... I would have thought this is an extreme example which is very unfair to those who are less well off. Is any school trip abroad whose cost may run...
Shisha parlours are springing up all over, where tobacco, sometimes mixed with perfumed molasses, is smoked in water pipes. Tobacco smoking is banned. This is tobacco smoking, so why is it allowed?... HSBC likely to be on their way. Too much tax and regulation in EMEA so off to APAC most probably. Can't say I blame them,...
Michael staying with Eileen after the photo dispute was wearing a Christmas jumper, Sean remarked is that the jumper Marcus got you, why would Marcus give Michael a present, he didn't really know him...
im sure they glad they were found caught, all 68 of them From a NHS spokesman: People from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities make up less than 5% of those who donated...
I hope that this is not a duplicate post. Such a sad outcome for one so young. Her parents and family must be devastated. Wondering 'what if....' and feelings of guilt, replaying the last day over and... One could say that again, where will it end? Soon one will not know if they...
Why do these Asians gang up to commit these terrible crimes? So sad....
Or will they get behind the drive to bring the NHS into the 21st Century so it will survive and once again be the service it was originally intended to be?...
I have been drinking at least 2 litres of water per day but my pooh is hard as anything.. Why is this? I haven't changed my diet although I have been drinking quite a lot of Kratom tea. Its driving me...
Why did it take so long for anyone to call the fire brigade? Why didn't anyone give first aid to Carla - the bloke from the gym surely would know what to do! Why did they all stand right under the...
I keep on getting stopped in the high street by groups of over zealous individuals trying to get me to sign up by direct debit to main charities but I object the staff are getting paid surely the... I wonder if the...