on Islam I thought this clip deserved an airing. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1748401207008215040/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/pgfKmgcAse-kHLTn.mp4?tag=12 imo the radicals will never stop... ...
Do you ever experience something which cheers you up for a moment and it makes you realise how down you've been feeling for ages. For example a guy from school messaged me on Facebook, totally... ...
My late partners car has been in the drive,for about two months,but not used for any journeys etc.Is it OK to just leave it standing there,will this affect the battery,or do I need to switch the... ...
2d Subtle permeation not on a par with former (7) O?E?i?E 13a A let-up with a ray, focussed on flats (8) ?L?R?A?? 9d Unending helix carved into the base unit (11) ?N?????S?i?L? Apologies for my first... ...
Good morning, an Eye puzzle with a little twist! Help with the following would be appreciated! Many thanks in advance! 4a Underwear that is found in rubbish (7) : ????A?S 11a Go in for cleavage... ...
Did Alan Bates recall correctly that Davey would not meet him? Why would he not, as a government minister (Post Office) at least set upon a trail of investigation eg Is there another sub PM in... ...
I don’t know what the woman’s daughter spent 7 hours waiting for, but Sunak clearly wasn’t interested. My, how Sunak laughed at the suggestion that we could go back to how it used to... ...
#waffle729 5/5 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩⭐🟩⭐🟩 🟩🟩⭐🟩🟩 🟩⭐🟩⭐🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🔥 streak: 3 wafflegame.net Congratulations to all the 5 star players yesterday, but especially Barsel, who has finally cracked it! We expect 5 stars again... ...
Was talking to my friend on the fone an hour ago, and she was saying how her new plan of holding back part of her 15yr old sons pocket money if he plays up during the week was going well. And he... ...