If a wife has accused her husband of rape and has made a statement to the police and they have charged him, can she withdraw the statement and drop the charges. They have a nine year old child. Thank...
if you could change anything about modern life in Britain, something that you consider worked, or you thought was better years ago, what would it be. Hope that makes sense.....
I am a pensioner who has more money [with state pension and a few small annuities]to staynbelow the £10090 threshold.My wife is on long term sick leave and has been for over a year now with no...
Of being an organ donor, instead of opting in. Personally I don't like it. Imagine the doctors allowing a person to die so that a better qualified or better educated person can live. A scientist say...
having looked through this earlier i keep wondering how they work out what to charge, why doesn't everyone who comes to UK have health insurance, wouldn't that be quicker, easier, cheaper all round....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351836/Smiling-sisters-shot-dead-dancing-rain-Pakistani-girls-15-16-killed-mother-making-video-stained-family-honour.html /// The Human Rights Commission of...
We do not want to act “dumb,” do we? That is to say, stupid, senseless, unreasonable, which also means, unscientific? There is nothing else for reasoning, intelligent humans to accept but that the...
Another gang of Oxford monsters put away. http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q75/s720x720 Is enough being done to protect the young girls - these men exploited girls as young as 11?...
ok my totally daft mam -the one that announced last month she was going to be matron of honour when her two gay friends got married -has decided after going to a funeral yesterday she wants a Humanist...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2348486/More-100-000-expats-lose-winter-fuel-allowance-Osborne-reveals-plans-temperature-test-benefit.html Personally I think this is the correct course of...
Afternoon, I wondered what your opinion is on sexism in modern British culture? And have you seen EveryDay Sexism on Twitter? You can catch up here: https://twitter.com/EverydaySexism - the idea is...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2339503/Hundreds-riot-police-Londons-streets-officers-raid-squat-HQ-G8-protesters.html Are these knuckle dragging Neanderthals, the same crowd as those...
I have seen this on the BBC website this morning :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-22855011 Did the school handle this is in the best way ? It seems to me that common sense went out the...
To cut a long story very short someone owes me money-I have enough evidence of this loan and I have phone details and e-mail address but they have now moved and I can't find out the new address. I...
sara3 ( it wont be a regular thing , though :-) ) 1.Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself 2. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will...
Hi All Have been looking at the site for a while now and finally decided to take the plunge and join. As you all know O2 have been taken over by Sky (Don't want to give them ANY of my money), and I'm...