According to the missus, an episode of 'Sex & the City' implied that the vast majority of American guys have been circumcised. Does anyone know if this is true, or is it just the sort of circles that...
If you were stranded on a desert island surrounded by sharks - i.e. fishing not possible!, could you survive on coconuts alone?! (assuming you can open them!) i.e. you have the cocnut juice, and the...
Please Help! I'm spending a couple of months in a tropical climate, and I am being bitten by 'mozzies' every day now (and especially the nights!). I do not have access to a mosquito net, nor air...
A couple of my aquarium freshwater fish have turned cannibal (Hannibal Lector would be proud!) and are chasing and munching on the fins of others! Can anyone offer any advice? The attacking fish is a...
Why did No.6 resign? I realise of course that we never find out, and that it is open to the viewers own idea. I have my own personal theory why he resigned, but what is yours?
One of my earliest childhood memories is being entranced by a programme called H.R. PufNStuf (I think). It was live action but also with puppets. Can anyone remember it/know of more information? Do...
How come, if phone lines are "live", do they not send down showers of sparks or short out when it rains? (This is the kind of life-altering question I MUST have an answer to...please!!!)
A friend and I have been having an argument about the end scene of Reservoir dogs, when the shooting occurs. We want to know how many of the original gang survive at the end. I thought the end was...