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Dee Sa

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Dee Sa
I have 71 a Liberated as UNFETTERED and 62 d Covered in gold as GILT but I see 62 d answered as GILD so where have I gone wrong ? alo need answer to 57 a Smallest component A - - S [ 4 letters] help...
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Dee Sa
have to go to Heathrow in the morning to meet a family member, can I use my pass at 6.30am ?
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Dee Sa
We were due to go next Sat but there are not enough peolpe to fill the coach so the trip has been cancelled. We can go any Sat but dont want to wait until it is cold at xmas, apart from the East...
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Dee Sa
Is the MP having stood successfully [ 4 letter] S - T - SITS ? SITE ? your opions pls ? Dee...
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Dee Sa
Its dustbin day today, as usual last night I transfered all our rubbish in black bags to the wheellie bin in the front, no problem witth back bin, this morning I went to add more rubbish out front and...
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Dee Sa
thers always one ...... and this week its me, posted off Sat xword and forgot to note them down, pls can some kind soul enlighten me ? Just the Sat ones pls Dee...
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Dee Sa
Religious community church - - B - - [5 letters] just cant think, help appreciated Dee...
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Dee Sa
5a Comatose snake encircling shelter [6] - - - E - - 6d Drink perhaps Basil set out [7] - - E - - - T 8d Friend in few lines produced rare recantation [8] - - L - - - D - stuck in top right corner,...
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Dee Sa
just checking ------11d rapidly rise SURGE ? [ 5 letters s-r-e] pls confirm Dee...
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Dee Sa
if 30 d is Korma then what is 29a Deceitful, crafty S - E - K -T [7 letters] even my speller wont come up with anything, I saw SLEEKIT on A/B earlier but cant find that in the dictionary. help...
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Dee Sa
I recently read in a newspaper [ cant remember which one] that if you are a foreign national and your application to stay has been turned down, if you then withdraw your appeal and return home...
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Dee Sa
last one I have got bit behind ! 32d Aquired 3 letts is it GOT or GET pls ? Dee...
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Dee Sa
a while back I washed, spun and conditioned my LG phone by mistake ! A/b ers came to my rescue and suggested remedies all of which I tried but to no avail. Orange shop realised immediately it had been...
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Dee Sa
Firstly I am a silver surfer and only have basic knowledge, I went onto Outlook Express trouble shooting but tooo complicated to understand and I am worried I will just make things worse ....... When...
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Dee Sa
Their function is to secure quiet in class - L - S -S [ 5 letters] pluses ? doesnt ring true, only letter that might be wrong is the L I have clue : Giving willingly and I have LEAVING [ - - A - ING 7...
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Dee Sa
Is it just me or does that little man Leonard or Lenny as they call him get on your nerves ? I am not sayng that some of his stuff isnt good value for money but he irritates me so much that I cant...
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Dee Sa
Many happy returns of the day, thank you for all your help during the past year and long may you continue to do so. Dee...
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Dee Sa
what is the legal amount of cash you can take out of the country when you travel ?also what is the legal amount you can bring back in ? for instance saying you had a bigish win in Vegas ? or your...
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Dee Sa
78 d McDuff's neighbour B - N - - [ 5 LETTERS] 89a Out of tune -F- -E- [ 3,3] OFF -E- ? HELP APPRECIATED Dee...
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Dee Sa
I am a sliver surfer and from other posts u will gather not too clever with computers. I thought I had renewed with these people on the 5thJuly but it keeps coming up to warn me I only have 7 days...

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