the most terrifyin thing happened to me last night.. my sister who is a mandated report had to report my boyfriend ( ex- boyfriend) to the police because of his age....i begged her not to bc i believe...
due to the fact that i have the same name as my boyfriends ex girlfriend should i be worried that maybe he only likes me because of the fact we share the name.... he tends to talk about her frequently...
whats your best advise on getting ready phsically for playing basketball?? situation is that i havent been on a team for about two eyars but plan on playing next year so i'm tryin to get back...
when a guy says tht he doesn't care does he really and he's just trying to seem as if he doesn't but he that prolly makes no sense you may have read in my OLD questions about this...
is it bad to want something so bad you are willing to do anything to get it?? meaning a person.....i mean i'd do anything to have them but how to get them i have no clue..but a small part of me...
yes all my entries under this topic has been about the same guy.....actually i have two guys almost exactly like this one but the other one i am less worried about because i don't have all the sam...
how do you know if you are really over someone? or that they are over you?.......but even though you are "over" each other you still mess how do you know when you are really over them...
i never knew my real father as in bio father but i did have someone whos been there all my life who i call dad....and him and my mom were together for 9 to 10 years and so then my mom had another...
I find it really difficult to confide in people. I want to develop new and deeper friendships, but I know this won't be possible unless I start to "let go". There are some things I want to share with...
Need a bit of wisdom. I found my dad's phone bill and because it was strangely high I started to look at it more carefully. I know it's wrong and nosey of me, but somehow I couldn't help myself. I...
okk yea i understand im probably being played but i think his gf is just a bet to him but im not sure i have all the facts to it but i dont know how to ask him if she is because i know him and some of...
ok...ive liked this guy forever and we've musted around alil and i always got lil butterflys in my stomache after wards and well he came over the other night to get a "tour" of my house and well we...
i've been having periods very irregularly..i mean i had one then stopped then not even 2 weeks alter i had another..then now about 2 weeks later im on it again..people say i should get on birth...
this morning my neighbors house was on fire and the weird thing was is that i already knew it was going to be..i had a dream the night before about it..i thought nothing of it until i was woken up to...
is it true that once you do "something" within the "bases" the first time you are going to want to do it over and over again.....ive heard its adicitive to do something over and over again once youve...