Somebody was telling me the other day that down the track the track the top teams will play a continual european superleague with only the top three or so teams from the champions league being...
inspired by tartanwiz i've been asking myself since yesterday: Is a democratic system really a good choice or just a way for the dumb masses to impose their dumb opinion on the intelligent individual?...
Hello all! Hope you all had a nice weekend (shame about the football). Anyway, now most of you are back at work, I am still trying to find a job. I'm sorting out my CV, but I'm finding it difficult to...
What does a Product marketer do on the Net? Is this a new type of Net business? A chap has sent me stuff on this saying he earns millions doing this? Can this be true?
I didnt know which category to put this in but i felt this the closest. I am doing a 1000 word essay on Conjoined twins and i have written a draft of 500 words. I feel that this is all i can get and i...