This has been discussed before I think. How much stock do we put in a B.M.I score (Height to weight calculation) Surely other factors that can affect the score are important I have just had a score of...
And one that is pretty much everyone's main concern: You know they're really worried when they're sending out a document to the party faithful entitled... This chap made a valiant effort to defend his racist Party, but ultimately failed. The best thing the BBC ever did was to allow the odious Nick Griffin...
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me with my dilemma. I go to a great hairdressers where one young lady cuts and colours my hair but often it's one of her colleagues who blowdrys my hair. I would like... They abolished any chance for bright for poor kids to get a proper education, now they are proposing to bully private schools to fill the gap they...
Why can I not get this any more. None at Sainsburys, Tesco, Asda. All they have is Princes which is not a patch on Fray Bentos. Anyone know where I can get this please.
no, not under the UKIP onslaught. It needs repairing apparently. Cost? An eye-watering £3 billion. No, that's not a typo, it is a 'b' not an 'm' before the illion....
According to the report, obesity now costs the about the same as smoking and armed conflict, and more than alcoholism and climate change. It will not be long before obestity will overtake smoking -...
Has anyone else noticed how a lot of young people these days don't know how to hold a knife and fork correctly? Especially the fork, they have some strange ways of holding it. Now the FA are no angels but really It's like the great train robbers criticising a shoplifter! Qatar process not bent, right oh! Is FIFA fit for...